Friday, August 14, 2009

Your Log files can music to ears

What is Log4JFugue?
Log4JFugue is an open-source Java API turning an application's log output into music/sound. Log4JFugue makes debugging enterprise class applications easier and possibly even fun.
Process messages from starting your Server.
Process messages from running your Server.
Process messages from existing log files – Replay.
Configure your instruments and string patterns to search for
Configure the speed at which you replay old logs.

How it works:
Log4Jfugue converts the application log messages into music. The conversion is controlled by modifying the spring-log4jfugue.xml file. The messageReceiver bean defines a set of properties where the key is the name of an instrument and the value is a string to search for in the incoming stream of log messages. When a matching message is found the count for the associated instrument is incremented and the next measure of music includes that note.

Why Log4JFugue?
  • No need to use unix tools like “grep” to search to find error in your log file.
  • Use of Log4JFugue helps maintenance/support/operations teams to debug issues friendlier, otherwise tedious.
  • You can surely impress your customers.
  • Log4Jfugue is add-on to Log4J. Uses JFugue for Music.
  • Log4JFugue is distributed under the LGPL license for all development purposes.

Log4JFugue allows you to hear what your application server has been trying to tell you!
